
Maximize your profile, part 1

Dr. John Demartini

Building Your Profile

"Building Your Profile" in business is very much about building your profile in life. It is through "pushing yourself to be your own personal best" that people around you will start to admire and follow you.

What you believe and what you say to yourself has a tremendous impact on what happens to you and what kind of life you’ll lead. You are the creator of your own destiny. You write the script of your life with every thought. The more self-worth and love you have for yourself, the more prosperity and success you will achieve. Self-worth builds both creativity and courage. People are spontaneously drawn to this quality and want to employ or work for those who have it.

If you take responsibility for your life and ask quality questions about how to fulfill it, you become a magnet for opportunities. People and money are irresistibly drawn to energy, enthusiasm, and certainty.

The primary keys to becoming your best in business and/or life include having a clear intent or purpose, a truly inspiring vision, a grand message to share, a genuine social calling, and a targeted niche to serve. But before these objectives can be met, the mastery of the mind is to be initiated.

True business leaders are those who can organize and lead their inner parts purposefully. Once leaders govern themselves, they can govern others.


Time Is Life

When you loaf about, your mind starts thinking about all kinds of doubts, insecurities, and fears. Any time or space that’s not filled with high priorities can automatically become filled with low priorities, and if you don’t know your high priorities, you’ll fall into the lows.

The longer and more intensely you focus, the faster your accomplishments (time x intensity = results). When you take your mind off your focus, all you see are obstacles. When your mind is focused on your dreams, you don’t have time for the many self-doubts that block them.


Raise Your Standard

To maximize the value of your time, prioritize your interactions. People who seem less busy and want to consume your time may think you’re being rude when you say no to their invitations, but busy people understand immediately that you’re just choosing to prioritize and wisely manage your time.


Efficiency and Effectiveness

Any aspect of your work that pays less than you truly feel you deserve can become the weak link of your business. In addition to undermining your motivation, inefficiency and ineffectiveness can also reduce profit margins. Business masters are those who love what they do, do what they love, and work efficiently and effectively. They delegate everything else to those who desire to do the same.

Ask yourself, “What can I delegate?” You’ll be far more productive, energized, and inspired at the end of the day when you stick to high priority actions.


Six questions to help weed out unnecessary activities:

1. What am I doing that I can stop doing right now? If it is not a necessity, let it go.

2. What can I redistribute to maximize my employees’ skills and let them do what they do best?

3. Can I standardize and mass produce this?

4. What am I doing excessively and what am I doing deficiently?

5. What am I not confronting?

6. What products can I produce in the shortest time period to provide the greatest profit? Once you identify what they are, focus on them.


End of Part 1...

This is Part 1 of a 2-Part article on Maximizing Your Profile. Part 2 is now available here.

Reprinted with the permission of Dr. John Demartini, one of the world’s leading authorities on human behaviour and personal development. He is the founder of the Demartini Institute, a private research and education organization with a curriculum of over 72 different courses covering multiple aspects of human development. Listen to regularly updated podcasts delivered by Dr. Demartini and the Demartini Institute that highlight different aspects of leadership. Contact [email protected] for further information or visit www.drdemartini.com


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